

EMSEMSolutions, Inc. is a professional services firm that specializes in Information Technology, Systems Engineering, and Enterprise Management Software Solutions. System engineering, technical assistance, network engineering, and intelligent enterprise software solutions are EMSolutions’ focus areas. EMSolutions has a successful track record providing engineering services to the federal government and commercial customers.



ActanoACTANO GmbH, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is the leading specialist in enterprise-wide, collaborative project management. Long years of experience and expertise in project management led to the development of the RPlan® software suite, a project-planning tool based on a unique planning philosophy. It features numerous communication and collaboration modules and flexible linking of individual planning elements. These support proactive planning and improve ease of use, shorten time to market, and drive down costs significantly. Template Software is an Actano Consulting Partner for the USA and Canada and was recently awarded the status of Integration Partner for the same region.



AFEI LogoThe Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI) is a nonprofit association with the goal of advancing enterprise integration and electronic business practices for industry and government worldwide. AFEI has strong industry and government ties that allow them to promote a global information infrastructure that spans organizational and national boundaries. Mr. Kelly Brown, CEO of Template Software is currently the AFEI Chairman.



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